The fighting breaking out around Siliguri was based primarily on a distinction made between mother tongues. This segregation through language is a challenge which India has being trying to negotiate since independence. Nepali and Bengali are two of 1652 mother tongues listed in the national census; with Sanskrit the common written medium. However, until the Gorkha's stop feeling/being seen as Nepali speaking invaders from Nepal rather than 'Gorka's' from 'Gorkhaland' tensions are going to continue to grow. Moreover, it is not that the Gorkha's are rallying against 'India' but rather against the government of West Bengal. In fact Darjeeling itself is a pretty diverse town: full of Indian 'Nepalis' speaking Bengali to their Bengali friends, Tibetans who have made India their 'temporary' permanent home and who speak Nepali with their 'Gorkha' friends and the older Gorkha gentleman, educated in the UK, who worked for the state and who now stand on the street corners discussing politics in most perfect and polite form of English to be found outside of Buckingham Palace. And then of course there is the Assamese from neighbouring Assam, Dzongkha from Bhutan and Limba, Lepcha and Bhutia of Sikkim, which are only a few of the many other dialects of the north and east which remain indistinguishable to my 'English' ears, but which are spoken throughout of the town. What the Gorkha's do want is to be recognised as equal Indian citizens of their own autonomous state. In the past India has managed to negotiate differences by recognising them. The multilingual country has diffused marginalisation of minorities by allowing different languages the space to be learned and to be spoke; but the question remains if West Bengal and the national government are prepared to allow the creation of a new state for the space to exist within? Ultimately, the events in Siliguri demonstrated that more also needs to be done to reassure/ reintegrate the Bengali speakers.
In regards to my exploration of this imagined 'Gorkhaland' I was ready to be defeated and try and visit the Kingdom of Sikkim in the North – of West Bengal. Sikkim received its own recognition as a separate state within India in 1975 (or 2003 if you are the Chinese government) so now it is trying its best not to be drawn into the current political/ geographic debate. However, by virtue of its position at the end of the highway which runs through Darjeeling to Siliguri the strike and counter strike severely restricted the movement of people and supplies to and from the area. Movement along the highway had been restricted to army personal for the safety of all potential travelers. In fact the restriction was taken so seriously by the bus and jeep drivers that I heard a driver refuse an offer of 3000 rupees (higher than the average monthly wage for a Bengali) for the journey which should have cost 150 rupees. This refusal gives values in economic terms to the gravity of the situation. Alternatively helicopters were scheduled to transport people out of the northern kingdom. It seemed as if we were trying to move against the flow, which ultimately left us little choice but to go with it.
The enquiry desk, reservations desk and booking office at Siliguri train station all told us the same thing – the trains back to Kolkata were full. Four extra trains had been scheduled the day before, but they had left only partially filled as no one (including the booking offices) knew about them. Sure enough the train station today was overflowing with Bengali tourists trying desperately to leave their holiday. We bought a bus ticket. A curfew was announced. No buses were allowed to leave. We stood at the side of the road as an army jeep drove by. A smart young Indian from Kolkata stood next to us. We were all told to leave the pavement. The smart young Indian insisted on 'helping' us. He said we could share his seat on the night train and yet ultimately he wanted to give us more than a section of a plastic cushion. Without a doubt we caused him far more stress than the local events did. I felt embarrassed at this shy strangers determination to find us seats. Why did he want to 'help' us? Because we were foreigners? Would he have felt the same if we were foreigners from the developing world? If our skins were a darker shade? Conversely would I have helped this strange man if he was stuck in Oxford? Would I have spent my afternoon arguing with the local bureaucracy, paying 'corruption' fines and then sharing my food? Ultimately, his determination meant that we were piled onto a full train with each of its ten or more carriages crammed to the corridors. Slowly the mechanic giant rattled its way away from the hills, dragging with it 1000 plus people and leaving behind calls for statehood to be read about, folded away and pushed down the side of the seat.
Arriving back in Sealdgh station was bizarre. Seeing the people who I work with from the 'other' perspective – as dirty bodies laying on the platform. As bodies who were sidestepped, kicked or avoided. Bodies which could easily be 'filtered' out – to be turned into sub-human beings laying invisible, waiting for the hours to pass before their one meal is delivered. Arriving back in Kolkata was also bizarre - being asked by Bengali's in the state's capital how my holiday was and listening as they laughed about the fruitless persistence of the Gorkhas and spoke about my 'bad timing'. Being asked by the manager of the guest house not to talk to the porters about Darjeeling. Answering the barrage of questions about Darjeeling asked by the 'Nepali' porters. Listening as they spoke about their frustration of the 'situation', trying to coax them to share their political views, and hearing the longing in their voices as they spoke of their Himalayas. The porters who share with me their resentment of having to choose work over their families, and who ask me directly and indirectly, and with a mixture of English and Nepali, to confirm the ''friendliness' and 'beauty' of their peaceful land.
For a beautiful book exploring the complexities and contradictions of the area around Darjeeling read Kiran Desai: The Inheritance of Loss
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