Monday, October 20, 2008

The Evening of 20th October, 2008, Bhagsu, India

Bells dinging. Direct from the Temple. Chop Chop as the knife cuts my vegetables. A loud murmur of incomprehensible voices speaking in an incomprehensible language. Laughter. Singing. More bells but higher pitched. A chorus of ding ding ding ding. (Chop chop).
Bang as a pot hits a ...pot? The crunch of trodden pebbles. Trickle Drip (Ding). Water falling. Collecting. Fading. Dinging.
Loud steps. Crunch. Louder. The vibration of the table shaking my moving hand as a glass of hot water is placed next to me. Ding ding. Barking answered by barking. Moving singing. sizzling.
Icy cold air drying my lips, which crack as I move them. The changing of the seasons. Musical dharma searching Israelis. My dinner. A Hindu Puja. Barking dogs.
The evening of the 20th of October 2008, Bhagsu, India.

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